[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 282 comments

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 11:45:00 -0600

    Jim> It can't be YAGNI if there is a need.

Like many other people who have implemented web server type beasts, I added
a logging capability to my XML-RPC server.  I will wager that if you survey
others who have written similar tools (from small servers to big things on
the scale of Webware, Quixote, or Zope) that they have all implemented some
sort of logging facility.  It is definitely not something people aren't
going to need (I *hate* that acronym - I'll keep spelling it out, thank

Mine logger was written just for use with a single application, so doesn't
have the bells and whistles others have apparently found indispensable.  I
would dump it in a flash if something was made available in the standard
library even if it meant rewriting every line that makes calls to my current
logger.  My only functional request is that it be able to integrate with the
Unix syslog facility so I can control where messages go with the same "tool"
(a text editor + /etc/syslog.conf) that I've used for years.
