PEP 263 phase 2 implementation (Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 263 considered faulty (for some Japanese))

Martin v. Loewis
26 Mar 2002 09:25:04 +0100

SUZUKI Hisao <> writes:

> Note that it is _not_ a challenge for my implementation at all.
> You can use your binary strings as they are at present.  Please
> try it.

Actually, I did (see my comments on sf): In a Unicode string, escape
processing of, say, u"\=F6" works incorrectly in your implementation,
and in a plain string, processing is incorrect if you have an encoding
which uses '\' as the second byte.

> > People had been proposing to introduce b'' strings for binary data, to
> > allow to switch 'plain' strings to denote Unicode strings at some
> > point, but this is a different PEP.
> I think you need not introduce b'' strings at all; you can keep
> it simple as it is.

The rationale is different: people where proposing that all string
literals should be Unicode strings - then the question is how to
denote byte strings.
