[Python-Dev] buffer objects
Jack Jansen
Thu, 2 May 2002 22:51:01 +0200
On donderdag, mei 2, 2002, at 06:46 , Scott Gilbert wrote:
> I guess I'm not getting the Python philosophy of things then. We have
> "string"s which are doubling as readonly-byte-arrays and
> text-strings, and
> I thought the concensus around here was that this was an unfortunate
> duality. Then we have "unicode"s which are clearly just for
> text-strings.
> Both of these are immutable as per the philosophy that strings
> are a lot
> like numbers.
> Then we have buffer objects. If the buffer object is a
> mistake, then there
> is no endorsed way to get at a (possibly mutable) array of bytes from
> Python. One can use arrays of typecode 'B', but you can't
> point those at
> your own memory, and they don't pickle.
> So if someone would only charge up the time machine, I thought
> it would be
> preferrable to only have unicode objects, and buffer objects.
> (Possibly
> with unicode objects being renamed as strings instead...)
I think we need immutable binary byte arrays as well, these are
used for code objects and such. But I agree that a mutable
binary array type such as the bufferobject is needed for
efficient Python implementation of lots of things.
- Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com>
http://www.cwi.nl/~jack -
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