[Python-Dev] Problems with Python's default dlopen flags

Gordon McMillan gmcm@hypernet.com
Mon, 6 May 2002 10:10:39 -0400

On 5 May 2002 at 18:46, David Abrahams wrote:

[C++ exceptions and gcc 2.95(?)]
> Are you saying that the following prints "fail"?
> #include <iostream>
> void init_mymodule()
> {
>     try {
>         throw "hello";
>     }
>     catch( char const*) {}
>     catch(...) {
>         std::cout << "fail";
>     }
> }
> but that this does not?
> #include <iostream>
> void throw_hi() { throw "hello"; }
> void init_mymodule()
> {
>     try {
>         throw_hi();
>     }
>     catch( char const*) {}
>     catch(...) {
>         std::cout << "fail";
>     }
> }

Yes, if you change "hello" to a non-primitive
type (and Python is not linked by g++).

-- Gordon