[Python-Dev] tstate->curexc_type etc

Christian Tismer tismer@tismer.com
Wed, 22 May 2002 18:51:51 -0700

Greg Ewing wrote:

[thanks for explaining!]

>>Under PythonWin, I saw crashes due to dangling
>>references through that, which vanished when
>>I increfed the exc_/... things. Problably they
>>were multiply reset.
> I wouldn't fix that by putting in random increfs.
> You'd better find out exactly what's going on and
> make it do the right thing!

Well, I followed your proposal.

I didn't still completely get what's exactly
going on, but I see that these are global variables.
The increfs are not random, but I incref when I store
them in a tasklet to be stopped and I decref when
the tasklet is restarted and the vars restored.
Seems to be ok.

thanks - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer@tismer.com>
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