[Python-Dev] _tkinter problem with Stackless

Christian Tismer tismer@tismer.com
Mon, 27 May 2002 22:57:53 -0700

Greg Ewing wrote:
> martin@v.loewis.de (Martin v. Loewis):
>>Christian segments the stack into slices, and only
>>keeps the top-of-stack slice on the stack.
> Cripes! Christian, you're just *asking* for a crash
> if you do that.


> Is this really necessary? Why can't you keep the
> whole stack in one piece?

Since this is Stackless Python(R)(TM)(Pat.Pend.)
If I wouldn't slice the stacks, it wouldn't be
But now I have a critical section bracked built
in, that prevends stacks from slicing to a given
recursion level. Works just great!

sincerely - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer@tismer.com>
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