[Python-Dev] deprecating string module?
Skip Montanaro
Wed, 29 May 2002 06:04:43 -0500
Peter> Python 1.5.2 is still very important and even the latest Red Hat
Peter> distributions still use it.
I think the RedHat/1.5.2 thing is (or should soon be) a red herring. In my
message I suggested a two-year/four-release deprecation schedule. That
could easily be adjusted depending on what RH decides to do:
Research Triangle Park, NC (AP) - RedHat Software announced today that
it plans to release RedHat 7.77 during the first week of October 2018.
Significant new end user software shipped with this release will include
XFree86 17.1.7 and gcc 5.2. Python 1.5.2 has proven amazingly stable
however, and too many people rely on it, so it will not be phased out in
favor of the current version of Python, 3.15, which was released in
August of 2016.
Sources close to PythonLabs told the Associated Press that after much
discussion on the python-dev mailing list, Guido van Rossum, the creator
of the Python programming language, has decided the Python 4.0
interpreter will ship with an automatic 1.5.2 compatibility mode which
will be automatically activated when a .pyc file with the proper magic
number is loaded. There is no firm word yet when 4.0 is expected to
ship. Interested parties are urged to keep their eye on PEP 4327:
"Python 4.0 Release Schedule" for information about the planned dates
for initial alpha testing. Tests posted to comp.lang.python by Tim
Peters suggest that on a large corpus of 20-line floating point and long
integer math test scripts rigorously developed over the past 15 years
performance was not significantly affected.
Sources at Zope Corporation could not be reached for comment in time for
this story to confirm any of this information.