[Python-Dev] proposal for interfaces

Esteban U.C.. Castro esteban@ccpgames.com
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 04:54:46 -0000

In case you have missed the link (I did, at first); this is Guido's
opinion on the interfaces PEP as of March 7, 2002.


Jim Fulton has said that this PEP was premature. I agree. It introduces
a new keyword, 'interface', and I'm not yet convinced that that is
needed. On the other hand, the way this is currently done in Zope also
looks butt-ugly, so something may indeed be needed. I think that at some
point in the future when we have more experience with using interfaces
(especially in Zope 3) we'll go back to this PEP and see how much of it
we can use. Maybe there should be a special status "frozen" meaning not
rejected but also not under consideration for the near future? But with
a different meaning than Py-in-the-sky -- this PEP at least has lots of
concrete proposals and studies the consequences.=20