[Python-Dev] Re: PEP239 (Rational Numbers) Reference Implementation and new issues

Andrew Koenig ark@research.att.com
02 Oct 2002 21:22:51 -0400

Greg>   1/3 --> float
Greg>   1//3 --> int
Greg>   1///3 --> rational

Greg> (Okay, a 3-char operator is a bit verbose, but I can't
Greg> think of anything else that looks division-like just at
Greg> the moment.)

I can't resist:

        A one-l lama is a priest,
        A two-l llama is a beast,
        But I'll bet you a silk pyjama
        There isn't any three-l lllama.

                                --Ogden Nash

PS: When I first saw this poem, it was accompanied by a claim (in a
    footnote) that a three-l lllama is a substantial conflagration.

Andrew Koenig, ark@research.att.com, http://www.research.att.com/info/ark