[Python-Dev] Re: PEP239 (Rational Numbers) Reference Implementation and new issues

Greg Ewing greg@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz
Thu, 03 Oct 2002 15:22:50 +1200 (NZST)

"Eric S. Raymond" <esr@thyrsus.com>:

> By the way, the footnote read as follows:
> "The author's attention has been called to a type of conflagration known
> as a three-alarmer. Pooh."

This is getting weird. I did a Google search for "lllama"
and found this, apparently related to some sort of roleplaying

  From: Alex Yeager (YeagerAW@maritz.com)
  Date: Mon, 25 May 1998

  Type: Plot
  Name: Three-L Lllama
  Graphic: A building on fire.
  Quote: Ogden Nash was wrong! They DO exist!
  Text: Disaster! This is an Instant Attack to Destroy any Place. Its
  Power is 12, increased by four for every undrawn Plot you throw onto
  the blaze. If the Place is Coastal, it may spend its token to defend
  itself. If the attack succeeds, the target is Devastated. If it
  succeeds by more than 6, the target is destroyed!  Quote2: So where do
  I claim those silk pajamas?...  Requirements: none

  Illamanated Conspiracy

  Proposed by "Yeager, Alex" (YeagerAW@Maritz.com) on Mon, 25 May 1998.

So, was this Lllama spell inspired by the "three-alarmer" pun, or
is it just a strange coincidence? Or is it some secret plot by
the PSU to stop us sleeping at nights? Inquiring minds probably
don't really want to know...

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz	   +--------------------------------------+