[Python-Dev] RFC: Option Parsing Libraries
Jeremy Hylton
Thu, 3 Oct 2002 11:35:20 -0400
>>>>> "FS" == Frank S <fschaef@ces.clemson.edu> writes:
FS> After releasing the GetPot 1.0 Version I did some research on
FS> other packages and I found the the Option Parsing RFC. I totally
FS> missed the discussion. How come that nobody contacted me about
FS> the GetPot package ?
How come you didn't contact us about the GetPot package?
The discussion in February began when Greg Ward proposed Optik as a
standard Python module. Guido suggested that there be a general call
on the python lists: If there were competing options packages, would
people let us know about them. I had never heard of GetPot until I
received your mail. (And if I had heard of it, I would have guessed
it was illegal except for medical purposes <wink>.)
So: There was general consensus that Optik should be added to the
standard library. Is there a reason to include GetPot instead of
Optik? Procedural issue: The (L)GPL license is unacceptable for
standard library modules. I'm sure there are technical issues.