[Python-Dev] Re: Testing the 2.2.2 email pkg
Barry A. Warsaw
Sun, 6 Oct 2002 08:17:34 -0400
>>>>> "TP" == Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net> writes:
TP> Under current 2.2 CVS, running
TP> python ../lib/test/regrtest.py test_email.py
TP> from my test directory works fine. But running test_email.py
TP> directly is a disaster:
TP> python ../lib/test/test_email.py
TP> There's too much failure output to include here reasonably.
TP> Bottom line is:
TP> """
TP> ........................FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...................E..FF.F.
TP> .....F..F......E......E.....E....F......................F.F............
TP> .F.F.F............F..F
TP> ...
TP> Ran 164 tests in 0.930s
| FAILED (failures=33, errors=4)
| """
TP> I can't yet try it in an installation, as it appears the
TP> Windows installer needs first to be taught about the new test
TP> directories under the email package (so, under an
TP> installation, test_email doesn't work at all now, no matter
TP> how it's run).
It's gotta be a Windows thing:
% cat CVS/Tag
% cvs -q up -P -d
% make
% ./python Lib/test/test_email.py
Ran 164 tests in 1.179s
This on RH7.3. Could it be the "cvs transforms line endings" problem
we looked at a few weeks ago? Does Python 2.3 cvs have the same
problem (it's got a nearly identical snapshot of the email package)?
If you want to send me the test output directly, feel free, although
I'm not sure how much time I'll have today to look at it.