[Python-Dev] RE: Testing the 2.2.2 email pkg

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Sun, 06 Oct 2002 11:28:41 -0400

> ...
> Could it be the "cvs transforms line endings" problem we looked at a
> few weeks ago?

The problem we looked at a few weeks ago was that WinZip transforms line
endings in text files, unless you disable that (it's a well-hidden WinZip

CVS also transforms text-file line endings, which is something we did not
look at before, but which should have been obvious at the time.  I'm sure
it's the same problem.  It was hidden because regrtest.py didn't actually
run the email tests until Guido fixed that this morning.  Now test_email on
Windows fails no matter how it's run.

> Does Python 2.3 cvs have the same problem (it's got a nearly identical
> snapshot of the email package)?

Since Guido fixed regrtest-vs-test_email this morning, yes.

> If you want to send me the test output directly, feel free, although
> I'm not sure how much time I'll have today to look at it.

You already know what the problem is, so no need.