[Python-Dev] Bug #537450 Improper object initialization for type.__new__

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Sun, 06 Oct 2002 16:57:36 -0400

> > You could have picked a better time than one day before the beta
> > releast to open this up.  I'm already asked to consider several
> > patches (the Psyco ones) at the very last minute.
> Sorry -- it was on the 2.2.2 wiki since the day it was created.
> Plus, I've been out of town much of the time since then.

Sigh.  Wikis have one big problem: unless you check them regularly
it's easy to miss a discussion going on there.  I'm sorry about that
-- I've completely failed to check the Wiki.

BTW, the Wiki is here: http://manatee.mojam.com/py222wiki/

I tried to set up an email subscription but the Wiki isn't configured
to support that...

> > In the SF entry I say that it's a clear semantic change and I don't
> > want to change it in 2.2.
> > I'll try to see if I can find time to read your message, but if I
> > don't, I won't feel guilty.
> I would appreciate it.  This is something of a pet bug, since it is
> the single thing in 2.2.2 that will break a fairly large application
> that we have developed.  For somewhat complex reasons, there is no
> easy work-around for it.

I've now read your whole message.  I reluctantly agree that it's
reasonable to fix this and will try to get this in the beta.

These are the outstanding issues for the beta that I'm aware of now:

 - 537450 (this)
 - three patches from Armin Rigo to make life easier for Psyco
 - test_email fails on Windows
 - patch 619352: Updated .spec file for 2.2.2b1
 - whatever's in the Wiki

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)