[Python-Dev] Python 2.2.2b1 checkin freeze

Neal Norwitz neal@metaslash.com
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 09:58:32 -0400

On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 05:45:59PM -0400, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I've committed the last changes for Python 2.2.2b1 -- the Misc/NEWS
> file.  I'm now going to follow the rest of the PEP 102 script until
> the release is done.  In the mean time, please no more checkins to the
> 2.2 branch!

I know of 2 problems.  Both are simple and low-risk to fix.  In NEWS,
alrady is misspelled.  tstate->tick_counter is not initialized in
Python/pystate.c line 138.

If I remember correct, there is some inconsistent use/doc of
True/False vs 1/0 in ConfigParser.py.  I don't think this is worth
fixing in 2.2.2.

I valgrind'ed 2.2.2 on Sept 26 and all was clean.
