[Python-Dev] Tests failing in MacPython 2.2.2

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Tue, 08 Oct 2002 20:34:29 -0400

> Aside from the usual suspects I have three tests failing in 
> MacPython 2.2.2: test_atexit, test_email and test_httplib.
> The first one should be easy to fix: backport the revision 1.7 
> fix. Would that cause any problems on other platforms?

No problemo.

> The other two I have no idea of what could be causing them, so I 
> need suggestions. I can't copy/paste, so I'll retype a bit.
> test_email: assertion failed, 2042 != 2. from line 1793 in 
> test_crlf_separation.
> Could this have something to do with MacPython 2.2's "poor man's 
> universal newlines"? (MacPython 2.2.X will read both \r and \n 
> as \n for files opened in text mode, but not \r\n. This quick 
> hack was put in to make 2.2 usable on OSX).

Is in Barry's capable hands.

> test_httplib: mismatch in lines 9-12 of expected output. It 
> wanted two header: Set-Cookie: lines, but got nothing.

Probably a line ending problem.  I notice that those two lines end
with \r\n!  I don't understand why the test uses \r\n.  I propose to
change all the \r\n to \n in test_httplib.py and ditto in
output/test_httplib.  If you can get that working, feel free to check
it in; or I can do it.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)