[Python-Dev] Where is this flag coming from?

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 12:29:46 -0500

>>>>> "Guido" == Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> writes:

    Guido> I'm curious if perhaps Apple's loader (which started this)
    Guido> interprets -L as meaning both -L and -R in traditional Unix?
    >> Damned if I could tell by reading the ld(1) manpage.  The change I
    >> checked in to unixccompiler.py returns -L only because I figured
    >> "-L<dir>" would be innocuous, not because I expected it to have
    >> "-R<dir>" semantics.

    Guido> Why did you check it in to Python 2.3 but not to 2.2.2?

Because I couldn't build bsddb on 2.3 without it.
