[Python-Dev] Why does the Windows installer use the shortname formof the install directory?

Oren Tirosh oren-py-d@hishome.net
Sun, 13 Oct 2002 07:21:36 -0400

On Sat, Oct 12, 2002 at 04:32:30AM -0700, Christian Tismer wrote:
> >There isn't another variant that adds "but only if it contains a space".
> The F1 key gives you a regular windows help file, as I
> remember.
> And you can surround the
>    Convert to short filename
> thing with an if contruct that checks for a space, something like
>    If MAINDIR Contains " " then
>       # here the Convert thingie
>    End

Translated to WISEspeak:

  Parse String "%MAINDIR%" into BEFORESPACE and AFTERSPACE  [*]
  If AFTERSPACE Not Equal "" then
    Set Variable MAINDIR to %MAINDIR%

[*] Set "Pattern/Position" field to single space (invisible in dialog box)
    Set "Operation" field to "Split value at first occurence of pattern"
