[Python-Dev] Python-dev Summary for 2002-10-01 through 2002-1
Brett Cannon
Sun, 13 Oct 2002 17:57:36 -0700 (PDT)
[Delaney, Timothy]
> > From: Brett Cannon [mailto:bac@OCF.Berkeley.EDU]
> Might be worthwhile always including a TinyURL as well as the full URL to
> deal with wrapping issues (I would suggested a Shorter Link, but Alex
> Martelli showed me a better one).
> For example, the above URL gets changed to:
> http://tinyurl.com/1ynh
> so the resulting entry would look like
> .. _frameobject.c: http://tinyurl.com/1ynh
> http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/python/python/dist/src/Object
> s/frameobject.c
I could do that, but I have two concerns. One is the extra amount of time
it woulkd take to do links for every long link (tend to be a decent
amount), and there is no guarantee that tinyurl will be around and thus
make the archived links break. Now I know that the long links will break
at some point too, but I would like to minimize that problem. And I
realize putting both in solves this, but I just don't love the idea that
half of all the links (redundent or not) could go bad because of one site
(if python.org goes down, Python will have gone down so I am not going to
worry about that).