[Python-Dev] The -U flag
Martin v. Loewis
14 Oct 2002 06:32:14 +0200
Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> writes:
> But didn't we at one point conclude that -U was never gonna work?
I'm not aware of a formal decision about that. I readily admit that it
wont' work in any foreseeable future, but I haven't given up for P3k :-)
This time, my interest was triggered by someone on c.l.p who could not
reverse a string, since it was in UTF-8; he was asking why Python is
so difficult for Swedish people.
> And wasn't that why it's no longer documented?
Yes: because it won't work in any foreseeable future.
I'll take your statement that "small" changes towards making -U work
are acceptable; I'll see how far I get with small changes until I get
stuck again.