[Python-Dev] Missing symbol in sre.py (Python 2.2.2b1)

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 21:43:55 -0400

[Fredrik Lundh]
> sorry, life got in the way.
> and I have to admit that hacking on RE hasn't resulted in enough
> sex, praise or money [1] lately to keep me motivated.  hopefully,
> that'll change in time for 2.3...
> cheers /F
> 1) http://blogs.salon.com/0001111/2002/09/21.html#a475

Here you go, /F:  real, actual praise -- just like the fellow asked for.
What more could you want?  Swedes give all their money to the government,
and working on RE is plain incompatible with having orgasms <wink>.