[Python-Dev] float atime/mtime/ctime - a bad idea?

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 13:56:47 -0500

    BAW> Provide different field names for float values, e.g. f_mtime,
    BAW> f_ctime, f_atime, or maybe just mtime, atime, and ctime... ?

    Martin> The previous suggestion was st_mtimef, st_ctimef, ...

    Skip> Why not simply provide an alternative method, os.fstat()?  Seems
    Skip> cleaner to me.  The field names are hard enough to remember as it
    Skip> is...

Doh!  Engage brain before hitting the <send> key...  Of course there is
already an fstat() function.  I'll shut up now.
