[Python-Dev] Patch to use dict subclasses in eval(), exec

Mark Hammond mhammond@skippinet.com.au
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 20:54:45 +1100

> I don't think that many people will use this feature, yet everybody
> would pay for the performance hit.

I wonder how many reasonable real-life scenarios actually exist for this

My personal use would be for COM, to implement case-insensitive namespaces.
In some cases, case-insensitivity is actually part of the implementation
specification, and I can imagine other scenarios where case insensitive
namespaces are "reasonable" even in the face of Python's excellent decision
not to go this route.

I wonder is this is actually the root of many requests to see this feature
implemented?  If not, it would be interesting to see what the competing
desires really are.
