[Python-Dev] metaclass insanity

Kevin Jacobs jacobs@penguin.theopalgroup.com
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 09:15:52 -0500 (EST)

On 30 Oct 2002, Michael Hudson wrote:
> For moderately nefarious reasons[1] I've being trying to write a
> metaclass whose instances have writable __bases__.  This in itself
> isn't so hard, but having assigments to __bases__ "do the right thing"
> has eluded me, basically because I can't seem to affect the mro.

The mro is an internal data structure of new-style classes, so redefining
mro() doesn't change the values used.  Here is my (non-working version) that
attempts to re-assign the class of an object, although it fails on a layout
violation with Python 2.2.2.

def base_getter(cls):
  return cls.__my_bases__

def base_setter(cls,bases):
  if not bases:
    bases = (object,)
  metaclass = getattr(cls, '__metaclass__', type)
  new_cls = metaclass(cls.__name__, bases, dict(cls.__dict__))
  cls.__class__ = new_cls

class MetaBase(type):
  __bases__ = property(base_getter,base_setter)

  def __new__(cls, name, bases, ns):
    ns['__my_bases__'] = tuple(bases)
    return super(MetaBase, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, ns)

class Foo(object):
  __metaclass__ = MetaBase
class Baz(object): pass

Foo.__bases__ = Foo.__bases__ + (Baz,)

Which results in:
  TypeError: __class__ assignment: 'Foo' object layout differs from 'MetaBase'

I haven't looked into why this is being flagged as a layout error, though
my first instinct is to say that the check is too conservative in this case.
I'll think about it more and dig into the code.


Kevin Jacobs
The OPAL Group - Enterprise Systems Architect
Voice: (216) 986-0710 x 19         E-mail: jacobs@theopalgroup.com
Fax:   (216) 986-0714              WWW:    http://www.theopalgroup.com