[Python-Dev] new module proposal: logfile

Keith Dart kdart at kdart.com
Thu Dec 11 18:10:12 EST 2003

On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 14:59, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 02:52 PM 12/11/03 -0800, Keith Dart wrote:
> >Attached is a module that implements a self-rotating log file object.
> This is already available in Python 2.3; please see 
> http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/node285.html
> Perhaps it would be better for you to publish these modules on the web 
> someplace, and then post the URL to python-announce?  That way, interested 
> parties could look them over and try them out more easily.  You would also 
> be able to get feedback from a wider audience.

They already are. These are part of pyNMS: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pynms
But I thought they might be general enough for common usage.

But I think the lesson I get from this is that I should study the Python
2.3 docs. I have not used Python 2.3 much yet. All of the stuff I have
been submitted is old, pre-2.3, and I was not aware that some of it has
been recently added. 

Sorry. 8-<

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Keith Dart
<mailto:kdart at kdart.com>
Public key ID: B08B9D2C Public key: <http://www.kdart.com/~kdart/public.key>
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