[Python-Dev] Importing packages from command line

Dmitry Vasiliev lists at hlabs.spb.ru
Mon Dec 22 06:45:14 EST 2003

Michael Chermside wrote:
>>Just an idea...
>>1. python -p package_name
>>     Equivalent to:
>>     import package_name
> (1) Sourceforge is a great place to request feature enhancements. 
>     Suggestions made on this mailing list is likely to be forgotten
>     sooner or later.

Yes, I know, but the request is not formed yet. :-)

> (2) Can you explain WHY you would want this feature? Is there some
>     use case? I would prefer NOT to have this, because right now
>     if I'm reading code and it uses "package_name.someFunction()"
>     I can scan upward for "package_name" to find out what it's
>     using. With command line imports, I couldn't do that. So unless
>     you've got a good reason for it, I personally wouldn't want
>     this feature.

Sorry for description absentees.

The main idea is to treating package as a program and run package 
initialization code from command line. The advantage is zipping all 
program modules in one zip archive and running the program from command 
line without unzipping it, like Java's jar's. But this idea need more 
thoughts however...

Dmitry Vasiliev (dima at hlabs.spb.ru)

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