[Python-Dev] Re: Extended Function syntax

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Sun, 02 Feb 2003 08:27:21 -0500

> >   switch(expr):
> >     case(val1):
> >       block1
> >     case(val2):
> >       block2
> >     default:
> >       block3
> >
> > This actually makes me worry -- I didn't plan thunks to be the answer
> > to all problems.  A new idea that could cause a paradigm landslide is
> > not necessarily right.

> I don't exactly get how containment relationships are disambiguated at
> compilation time?
> for sure this is bordering macros' expressivity

I'm not sure I approve of this, but I believe that Glyph's suggestion
can be done by inserting a reference to the most recently active
switch object in the thunk's namespace.  Rough sketch of code:

  class switch:
    def __init__(self, expr):
      self.expr = expr
    def __call__(self, thunk):
      self.success = False
      self.save_switch = thunk.locals.get('__switch__')
        thunk.locals['__switch__'] = self
        thunk.locals['__switch__'] = self.save_switch

  class case:
    def __init__(self, val):
      self.val = val
    def __call__(self, thunk):
      sw = thunk.locals.get('__switch__')
      assert sw is not None
      if sw.success: # A previous case triggered
      if self.val == sw.expr:
        sw.success = True

I'll leave the implementation of default to the reader's imagination.

Again, not endorsing, just playing with Glyph's idea.  Clearly one
could write ugly stuff like

    print "This is always executed"
    for i in range(10):
        print "x is equal to", i
          print "this is unreachable"

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)