[Python-Dev] Re: native code compiler? (or, OCaml vs. Python)

Dan Sugalski dan@sidhe.org
Mon, 3 Feb 2003 15:41:08 -0500

At 3:25 PM -0500 2/3/03, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
>Dan Sugalski <dan@sidhe.org>:
>>  Really! Well, then, shall we raise the stakes, and add a cream pie
>>  (of the loser's choice) at ten paces to the bet? :)
>Oh, *goddess*.  I want to emcee this event in the worst way.  And I
>know exactly how to do it -- like a herald reading cartels of defiance
>at a joust.
>Gentlemen, you've got yourself a master of ceremonies and a frame of
>comic patter, if you want it.  For this I might even put on a

Argh! The very thought of that is making me want to gouge my eyes out. :)

Seriously, this is something we'll have to work out with the 
conference folks. Wouldn't surprise me if they may have someone in 
mind, or if not we go with some semi-independent person. (Perhaps 
some bitter Lisp hacker that hates all of us because everyone's more 
successful than Lisp... :)

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
dan@sidhe.org                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk