[Python-Dev] With statement

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com
Tue, 4 Feb 2003 14:00:47 -0000

From: Alex Martelli [mailto:aleax@aleax.it]
> To put it another way: is the advantage of:
>     f =3D open("whatever")
>     with autoclose(f):
>         # Use f
> sufficient with respect to the existing alternative:
>     f =3D open("whatever")
>     try:
>         # Use f
>     finally: f.close()
> to be worth introducing a new kind of statement?  I see 3 lines
> (4 if you insist on breaking after "finally:" of course) -- plus the
> body "# Use f" of course -- with the existing alternative, versus
> two with the new statement.

In line-counting terms, you're completely right. The advantage to me is =
terms of readability/maintainability/understandability (where's a =
when you need one?) and code reuse.

Specifically, the try...finally case separates the open from the =
cleanup. When
reading the code, you need to scan over the "use f" code (which may be =
lines - often enough that visually matching indentation could be an =
issue) to
see the lifetime of the file object (and check it's correct).  Also, by
suitable use of class names (that thesaurus again!), you can make the =
very obvious (autoclose isn't bad, but I suspect in more complex cases =
could do even better).

As for code reuse, surely that's obvious? A single autoclose class can =
be used
throughout an application. It doesn't save much in terms of lines, but =
you decide you want to log file closes (contrived example, I know) =
just one place to change. And of course, autoclose is the absolute =
example, which affects both the code reuse argument (positively) and the
lines of code argument (negatively).

The with version also avoids the common (at least with me) mistake of

        f =3D open("file")
	# Use f

> With name binding,
>     with f =3D autoclosedfile("whatever"):
>         # Use f
> we're down to 1, and in this case the advantage strikes me
> as substantial.

But this uses a different approach entirely. Here, autoclosedfile is a
self-managing file subclass, whereas the autoclose() example used an
independent manager class. I know the point is subtle to the extent of =
pretty irrelevant when you're looking at file objects, but it may be =
major in
a serious application. (I'm imagining some form of application server =
part of a complex application, with significant shutdown requirements.
Separation of the shutdown management functionality from the server =
class may
make good sense. And I hate handwaving arguments like this as much as =
else - *please* someone give me a decent use case!!!!!)

> It would also be more natural for people who are used to coding =
> acquisition is initialization" in C++, since in that case, too, a name =
> always required (whether you use it or not in the following block):
> {   =20
>     autoclosedfile f("whatever");
>     // Use f
> }

But there are other subtle differences - many resources can be acquired =
in the
one block, often not at the start of the block either. Whatever way you =
it, "with" is a weak substitute.

I'm *so* close to deciding that the with statement isn't worth having...

> > If anyone feels a need for more than this, please supply a use case
> > - I can't think of anything concrete. Otherwise, this is what I'm
> > going to put in the PEP...
> As long as you mention in the PEP the ardent wish of some of us for
> name binding within 'with', np -- I can't see any other "use case" for
> binding-within-with save for the fact that it seems such a frequent
> need, and almost necessary to make 'with' enough of a win to justify
> its existence;-).

That one is telling :-) I'll certainly include all the options in the =

What really kills it for me is the fact that personally, I like the
no-assignment cases for locks:

    class Lock:
        # Whatever you need here
	def __enter__(self):
	def __exit__(self):

    Lock GIL


    with GIL:
        # Do something


    with GIL:
	# Do something else

That to me looks like the canonical use for locking. Unfortunately, =
have made the point that having an *optional* assignment is hard (I'm =
qualified to judge how hard, but I do know that Guido values parser
simplicity). Given this, and given that I, personally, find the =

    with f =3D autocloser("file"):


    f =3D open("file")
    with autoclose(f): # I still think there's a better name than =

pretty minimal, I'd prefer to go with no assignment over mandatory =

But there's no doubt that a lot of this is opinions rather than hard =
