[Python-Dev] With statement
Bernhard Herzog
04 Feb 2003 15:16:51 +0100
"Moore, Paul" <Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com> writes:
> Alex Martelli suggested transactional processing may be a reasonable use case
> for needing exception handling (commit in __exit__ and rollback in __except__)
I'm not sure an additional __except__ is really needed even for the
transactional use case. It's probably enough to check whether
sys.exc_info()[0] is None to figure out whether __exit__ was called
because of an exception or a regular way of leaving the block.
> but I don't think the gain is worth the extra complexity - I'd say leave this
> coded as now with try...except..else. (Alex - care to convince me otherwise?)
For me the transactional use quite important too. It's the use case that
made me wish for this kind of thing several years ago when I had started
to implement undo in Sketch.
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