[Python-Dev] exec/with thunk-handling proposal
Walter Dörwald
Tue, 04 Feb 2003 16:30:47 +0100
holger krekel wrote:
> [...]
> I think we can may get away with only a "weak" keyword
> and allow the aforementioned encapsulation of execution
> events into an object like this:
> exec expr [with params]: suite
> where the expression is evaluated to return a
> "thunk" handler with these optional "execution" hooks:
> def __enter__(self):
> "before suite start"
> def __except__(self, type, value, tb):
> "swallow given exception, reraise if neccessary"
> def __leave__(self):
> """upon suite finish (not called if __except__
> exists and an exception happened)
> """
Why not simply have one method
def __execute__(self, thunk):
which gets passed the thunk. This method can do anything it
likes before executing the thunk, it can do anything after
executing the thunk, and it can implement exception handling:
class twice:
def __execute__(self, thunk):
print "start"
print "once"
print "twice"
except Exception, exc:
print "exception", ext
print "OK"
Then you can do:
exec twice():
for i in xrange(10):
print i
Walter Dörwald