(OT) [Python-Dev] vox populii illiterati

Andrew Koenig ark@research.att.com
Sun, 9 Feb 2003 23:11:02 -0500 (EST)

>> I count myself in the pro-camp, and I would prefer

>> if hasattr(obj,'method') and obj.method():

>> to any of the alternatives, for the obvious reason.

Samuele> I wouldn't expect anything less from you.


Samuele> I was just reporting on what kind if-then-else form the
Samuele> pro-camp is converging.

I wish you had picked a less ugly example :-)

Samuele> I take the chance to re-re-rember that I'm fully aware that:

Samuele> _ and x or _

Samuele> does not work in case x is false. Still when x is not false,
Samuele> it is working Python.

Agreed.  Thanks.