some data on the debate [Python-Dev] Update to PEP308: if-then-else expression
Samuele Pedroni
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 02:40:56 +0100
From: "Chermside, Michael" <>
[Samuele Pedroni creates list of # of posts per person]
It was mostly for my personal curiosity. But once the work done, I thought to
>I'm not quite sure how you generated this list, but I notice
not by hand <wink>, with a ~200 lines python script using nttplib
>that I'm not on it. Now I *HAVE* been trying very hard to make
>FEW posts (but hopefully insightful ones), but I still made
>it to the threshold of 3.
Yup, there was a small bug in the names/addresses coalescing code,
you were counted 1 time for 2 posts and one time for 1,
Now it is fixed.
>I don't particularly care about the list,
I would file it mostly under too much information,
The relevant data for me was that 1/4, 1/2 of the total posts were made by just
a small "vocal" group of people
> but if Guido wants
>a listing of who's pro/con,
The last time I have ran the script I got 155 different posters, I think nobody
is going to sieve through the nuances of their writings to report their
opinion. There will be the vote for that.
> then we shouldn't exclude people
>who have tried to REDUCE the amount of noise by posting a
>SMALL number of times.
That was never my intention, the threshold of 3 was arbitrary and the list as
such was not my goal.
I think I will run the script again before the vote, because I'm interested in
the debaters/voters ratio.