some data on the debate [Python-Dev] Update to PEP308: if-then-else expression

Samuele Pedroni
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 18:09:31 +0100

From: "Chermside, Michael" <>
>> The relevant data for me was that 1/4, 1/2 of the total posts were made by
>> a small "vocal" group of people
>Please don't think I missed the importance of this fact. The details
>of the count were unimportant compared to what this says about how
>the perceived level of vigorous argument may actually be an artifact
>of a few outliers. I actually only posted thinking that there might
>be a bug in your counting algorithm... I still believe that in the
>end Guido will wind up finding a way to extract a reasonable decision
>from this mess, although I have a hard time seeing how he'll manage
>that! Knowing that a few individuals account for a lot of the "noise"
>may help him.

the situation is problematic because both Erik Max Francis and Andrew Koenig
are reaching 200 posts, and they both would like a ternary operator (no problem
with that), but they also strongly favor basically a single candidate, that
means that everybody who dislike it ought to maybe answer to every single post
where they argue in favor of it (many are mostly redundant but that seems a
strategy <.5 wink>).

People have probaly more important things to do, still in the normal PEP
process one should only convince Guido. Maybe that would still be possible
after the vote (?).

this-thing-is-already-past-the-funny-part'ly y'rs.