[Python-Dev] Updated AutoThreadState pre-PEP

Mark Hammond mhammond@skippinet.com.au
Fri, 14 Feb 2003 15:09:24 +1100

This PEP has been given a number (311) and checked in!  It should appear in
the python.org pep list soon, but is in CVS right now.

The PEP is updated slightly from the one posted:

* Updated to reflect that the extension must previously call Py_Initialize()
and possibly PyEval_InitThreads().  The auto-thread-state API will not do

* Jack offered some ideas for different names, and noted that I mixed the
use of "Acquire" and "Ensure" in the body.  I made this consistently
"Ensure", but noted Jack's preference for "Acquire" in the "unresolved
issues" section.

