[Python-Dev] Re: privacy in log files?

Christopher Blunck blunck@gst.com
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:12:34 -0500

On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 03:37:13PM -0500, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I can interpret world-readable in two ways.  On Unix, it traditionally
> means that anybody with a login name can read it.  Since Apache
> typically runs as user nobody, CGI scripts have to be world-readable
> as well.  

I started writing three separate emails to play devil's advocate here and
"prove guido wrong", but half way through each email I realized that 
there really isn't much of a vulnerability here.  I originally considered
the premise that CGI's must be world readable (perhaps o+x would suffice) -
it did not.  What about if MyCGI.py imports MySecretPasswords and 
MySecretPasswords is in .pyc format - nope, that needs to be o+r also.
What about if MyCGI.py reads a file MySecretPasswords.txt or evals the
statements contained within?  Nope, MySecretPasswords.txt must be o+r.

Bottom line: if the webserver is going to access it, or hand it to python 
to access, it's got to be o+r.  And under those circumstances, Guido's
right on in his statement of "if they are putting passwords in o+r
modules, anyone with an account will be able to view them."

The *only* possibility I could come up with was attaching to a remote
interpretter an asking it to execute modules you feed it (you specify the
path to the module).  Under that scenario one could run the interpretter
as a legitimate user and access files the webserver could not access.

That seems like a really big stretch and if you did go that route you'd
probably build in functionality to handle remote exceptions so that code
with passwords was not exposed to the remote client.


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