[Python-Dev] RE: [Zope3-dev] Proposing to simplify datetime

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Mon, 06 Jan 2003 21:11:49 -0500

> A natural suggestion is to change the hierarchy to:
> object
>     timedelta
>     tzinfo
>     time
>     date
>         datetime

[Shane Hathaway]
> I think the proposal is so good and well-reasoned that no one had
> anything to say. ;-)  +1

I think your vote carries the motion, then, Shane!  Thank you.  I know Guido
is in favor of it (has been pushing for it, in fact), and that changing the
Python implementation only took a few hours was a Good Sign.  I've since
played with the new implementation as a user, and found it more pleasant to
use (e.g., fewer pointless choices to make, and  "promoting" what was a
datetime to what was a datetimetz has become trivial instead of an
irritating puzzle).