[Python-Dev] Extension modules, Threading, and the GIL
Mark Hammond
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 23:07:40 +1100
> Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net> writes:
> > I'd like to intensify the problem, though: you're in a
> > thread and you want to call a Python API function safely.
> > Period.
> Are there semantic requirements to the Python API in this context,
> with respect to the state of global things? E.g. when I run the simple
> string "import sys;print sys.modules", would I need to get the same
> output that I get elsewhere? If yes, is it possible to characterize
> "elsewhere" any better?
Yes, good catch. A PyInterpreterState must be known, and as you stated
previously, it is trivial to get one of these and stash it away globally.
The PyThreadState is the problem child.