[Python-Dev] Interop between datetime and mxDateTime
Mark Hammond
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:36:27 +1100
> [Mark Hammond]
> > I have the exact same issue for my COM time objects, and
> like MAL, just
> > recently started thinking about it.
> >
> > Certainly, such a subclass would help me enormously, and would
> > probably make it quite simple for this to allow *any* datetime
> > object to be passed to COM/Windows functions.
> Well, I don't see that a basetime marker class alone would
> allow for that.
> What else are you assuming?
Well, at the very least I expect that I could do *something* <wink>. If I
get an object of this type passed to my extension, I at least know it is
*some* kind of time object, so poke-and-hope can kick in. There is an
excellent chance, for example, that a "timetuple()" method exists.
Certainly being able to deal explicitly only with mxDateTime and Python's
datetime, without needing to link to either, would still be a huge win.
So yeah, having more of a datetime *interface* would be nicer than a marker
type, but given a base type and a clear convention for datetime objects, we
are pretty close.
On the other hand, I guess *just* the existance of a "timetuple()" method is
as good an indicator as any.
What-goes-around-comes-around ly,