[Python-Dev] Broken strptime in Python 2.3a1 & CVS

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 22:40:46 -0500

[Brett Cannon, on folding strptime into datetime]
> Well, I would assume the responsibility of maintaining it would fall on
> my shoulders.  But leaving it out is fine with me.

I also maintain a pure-Python version of datetime.py (for Zope's use).
date/time modules are a bottomless pit.

> ...
> Also, is there any desire for the C wrapper

The C wrapper for what?

> to do any checking of the values so we can change the docs and
> guarantee that any value returned by ``time.strptime()`` will have
> valid values?

I think we should lose the C version of strptime and use _strptime.py
everywhere now -- allowing x-platform accidents to sneak thru is un-Pythonic
(unless they're *valuable* x-platform accidents <wink> -- strptime accidents
are random crap).