[Python-Dev] Adding Japanese Codecs to the distro

Atsuo Ishimoto ishimoto@gembook.org
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 09:22:20 +0900

On Tue, 21 Jan 2003 16:40:19 -0500
barry@python.org (Barry A. Warsaw) wrote:

> >>>>> "MvL" == Martin v L�is <martin@v.loewis.de> writes:
>     >> We also need active maintainers for the codecs. I think ideal
>     >> would be to get Hisao share this load -- Hisao for the Python
>     >> version and Tamito for the C one.
>     MvL> That is a valid point. Has Hisao volunteered to maintain his
>     MvL> code?
> AFAICT, Tamito is pretty good about maintaining his codec.  I see new
> versions announced fairly regularly.

(cc'ing another Tamito's mail addr. Tamito, are you wake up?)

 I believe he will continue to maintain it. Of cource, I and people in
the Japanese Python community will help him. I don't expect such kind of
community effort for Hisao's codec. Active users in Japan will continue
to use Tamio's one, and don't care Python version is broken or not.

Atsuo Ishimoto