[Python-Dev] ann: Minimal PyPython sprint

holger krekel hpk@trillke.net
Sun, 26 Jan 2003 00:53:21 +0100

     Not-So-Mini Sprint towards Minimal PyPython 

               17th-23rd Feb. 2003

         "Trillke-Gut", Hildesheim, Germany

Everybody is invited to join our first sprint for PyPython.
Or was it Minimal Python?  Nevermind!

We will have one or - if needed - two big rooms, beamers 
for presentations (and movies?), a kitchen, internet and a 
piano.  There is a big park and some forest in case you 
need some fresh air.  Short Ad-Hoc presentations about 
our areas of interest, projects or plain code will 
certainly be appreciated.

Goals of the first Minimal PyPython Marathon 

- codify ideas that were recently discussed on the
  pypy-dev codespeak list.  

- port your favorite C-module to Python (and maintain it :-)

- rebuild CPython C-implementations in pure python, e.g.
  the interpreter, import mechanism, builtins ...

- build & enhance infrastructure (python build system, 
  webapps, email, subversion/cvs, automated testing, ...)

- further explore the 'ctypes' approach from Thomas Heller
  to perform C/Machine-level calls from Python without 
  extra C-bindings. 

- settle on concepts 

- focus on having releasable results at the end

- have a lot of fun meeting like minded people.

Current Underlying Agreements (TM)

Please note, that we have reached some agreement on a 
number of basic points:

a) the Python language is not to be modified.

b) simplicity wins. especially against optimization.

c) if in doubt we follow the CPython/PEP lead.

d) CPython core abstractions are to be
   cleanly formulated in simple Python.

e) Macro-techniques may be used at some levels if 
   there really is no good way to avoid them.
   But a) to c) still hold.

f) our Pythonic core "specification" is intended
   to be used for all kinds of generational steps
   e.g to C, Bytecode, Objective-C, assembler and 
   last-but-not-least PSYCO-Specialization.

g) if in doubt we follow Armins and Christians lead
   regarding the right abstraction levels.  And any
   other python(dev) people taking responsibility.

h) there are a lot of wishes, code, thoughts, 
   suggestions and ... names :-)

How to proceed if you are interested

If you want to come - even part-time - then please 
subscribe at


where organisational stuff will be communicated.  
The sprint-location's city is called Hildesheim which 
is close to Hannover (200 km south of Hamburg). 

Code-related discussions continue to take place on the 
pypy-dev list.  

For people who don't want or can't spend the money for
external rooms i can probably arrange something but it 
will not be luxurious.  

FYI there are already 7-8 people who will come among
them Christian Tismer, Armin Rigo and Michael Hudson. 


There is no explicit commercial intention behind the
organisation of the sprint (yet).  On the implicit hand 
socializing with like-minded people tends to bring up 
future opportunities.  

The physical sprint location is provided by the people 
living in this house:


although snow is gone for the moment.  

and-who-said-the-announcement-would-be-minimal'ly y'rs,
