[Python-Dev] the new 2.3a1 settimeout() with httplib and SSL

Geoffrey Talvola gtalvola@nameconnector.com
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 15:03:16 -0500

Geoffrey Talvola wrote:
> I'm not able to get this far though, because when I try to 
> build _ssl I have
> problems.  When I run build_ssl.py it grinds away for several minutes
> building OpenSSL, then fails with this message while building 
> openssl.exe:
>         link /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /opt:ref
> /out:out32\openssl.exe @C:\temp\nnb00239.
> NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make
> 'D:\Python-2.3a1-Source\openssl-0.9.7/out32.dbg/libeay32.lib'
> The weird thing is that that file already exists.
> Can anyone help me out here?  This is Windows NT with VC++ 6.0.  I've
> successfully built OpenSSL before, but there's something 
> about the way it's
> being built by build_ssl.py that's failing.

Never mind -- I figured out the problem.  I had DEBUG set to 1 in my
environment for some reason, which confused the makefile for _ssl.pyd.
Unsetting that variable fixed the problem.

- Geoff