[Python-Dev] Re: native code compiler? (or, OCaml vs. Python)

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 13:32:32 +0000

Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net> writes:

> [Graham Guttocks]
>> I see. Again, I didn't realize the enormity of this, because
>> of how fast Psycho has progressed (from a part-time volunteer).
> Not any part-time volunteer.  Armin did Psycho while finishing his doctoral

> dissertation, and applied a brain the size of a planet to the job, with
> passion.

It could be pointed out that Armin's thesis was in purest-of-the-pure
mathematics and had nothing to with Python.  Last I heard, he'd got a
postdoc in something that could related to dynamic compilation, but I
don't know if that amounts to being paid to work on psyco.


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