[Python-Dev] The Python interpreter is not fully thread-safe.

Raymond Hettinger python@rcn.com
Sat, 7 Jun 2003 16:51:58 -0400

From: "Martin v. Löwis"
> I'd like to replace the first sentence of 8.1 in the API reference
> with
> "The Python interpreter does not support \emph{free} threading."

Perhaps add an elaboration for those who do not fully grok
the significance of "free threading".  This block of text would
meet the need nicely:

   > Any library that *is* "fully thread-safe" establishes certain
   > conventions that users have to follow to achieve thread-safety. The
   > same is true for Python: if the conventions (which are elaborated in
   > section 8.1) are followed, Python is also fully thread-safe. It's just
   > that it does not support what is commonly called "free threading".

Raymond Hettinger