[Python-Dev] Re: PEP-317
Steven Taschuk
Mon, 9 Jun 2003 12:51:21 -0600
Quoth Raymond Hettinger:
> PEP-290 advises against automated tools for this type of change.
I certainly agree to the need for human review of such changes. I
don't think this would be onerous, though (as you've suggested in
private email) I should certainly try it myself.
> Also, take a look at what would need to be done to the test suite.
> The changes there are less amenable to an automated update.
I will.
> Grep could find most potential changes but I don't see how
> you can statically determine whether 'raise x'
> is a class or instance without running the code.
That's true. Certain cases of two- and three- argument raise
statements are difficult as well.
Rather than discuss it in the abstract, how about I just implement
the tool I have in mind and see how well it works?
Steven Taschuk staschuk@telusplanet.net
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