[Python-Dev] RE: PEP-317

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 15:00:49 +0100

Michael Chermside <mcherm@mcherm.com> writes:

> Greg Ewing:
>> Also while we're at it, how about storing the traceback in the
>> exception object, and getting rid of sys.exc_info() etc.?
> Guido:
>> That's a good idea, and I'd support a PEP on that topic more than PEP
>> 317 (which IMO is unnecessary).
> IMO the biggest advantage of PEP 317 is not what it does directly but the
> future enhancements it allows. If all exceptions really are objects, 
> (particularly if strengthened to say "instances of Exception or subclasses")
> then we can add new features to Exception. Moving the traceback into
> the object is one idea. Making Exception a new-style object is another
> (no need to rush, but it'll happen SOMEDAY, right?). Exception
> chaining (aka exception masking) is another.

But PEP 317 seems to regard removing string exceptions entirely
(something I support, possibly with a backward compatibility warning
laden shim) as a minor stepping stone on the way to removing implicit
instantiation (something I have a hard time caring about).

And as a random data point, I cannot see me stopping typing e.g.

raise TypeError, 'must set field "%s" to "%s", not "%s"'%(fname, reqt, gott)

until Python shouts at me each and every time I do it.  Some habits
die hard[1].

> The point is, without PEP 317, you can't do these things, because sometimes
> you use an object, and sometimes just mention a class (and sometimes just
> use a string). PEP 317 choose not to try to bite off anything bigger than
> fixing this so future enhancements would be possible. But we EVER want
> these kinds of enhancements, then start a PEP 317 style migration NOW,
> because degree of code breakage means that the migration time will be really
> slow. Deprecating (ideally with warnings) sooner is better.

I don't see how removing implicit instantiation makes this easier.

... who would also like to see restartable exceptions, but isn't going
to mention that today, oh no ...

[1] I never got *into* the habit of using string exceptions, and in
    fact still don't quite understand what happens when you try and
    catch one (this is not an invitation for an explanation).

  ... but I guess there are some things that are so gross you just have
  to forget, or it'll destroy something within you.  perl is the first
  such thing I have known.              -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp