[Python-Dev] Two useful patches involving tracebacks

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Thu, 12 Jun 2003 10:42:52 -0500

    >> [ 569574 ] plain text enhancement for cgitb
    >> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=569574&group_id=5470&atid=305470

    Guido> I'll add my usual disclaimer that I haven't had time to review
    Guido> these, but the proposed functionality certainly makes sense to
    Guido> add.

There was a little discussion about the cgitb patch when I first submitted
it.  The problem isn't so much that it does anything wrong, it's that it
suggests the traceback and cgitb modules should probably be refactored.
Much of what cgitb does probably belongs in the traceback module, with an
HTML report generator in cgitb and a plain text report generator elsewhere
(perhaps in traceback).

At any rate, if someone else would look at it and pronounce, I'd be happy to
check it in.  The enhanced plain text tracebacks should be extremely helpful
when analyzing tracebacks from long-running processes where you can't simply
throw in a couple prints and re-run the program.
