[Python-Dev] "%%s %s"%"hi"%ho" works here and not there
Skip Montanaro
Mon, 16 Jun 2003 07:47:22 -0500
Hunter> In irc, I gave this unusually compact line as an answer to a
Hunter> slightly related question: "%%s %s"%"hi"%ho"
Hunter> It ended up not working on a lot of the other users
Hunter> systems. "%%s %s"%a%b worked though on all i believe.
I don't see you your hi/ho example can work as written, since there are an
odd number of quotes. Adding an extra quote in the obvious place makes it
work for me:
>>> "%%s %s"%"hi"%ho"
File "<stdin>", line 1
"%%s %s"%"hi"%ho"
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string
>>> "%%s %s"%"hi"%"ho"
'ho hi'
You can get carried away with the concept as well:
>>> "%%%%s %%s %s"%"hi"%"ho"%"hum"
'hum ho hi'
>>> "%%%%%%%%s %%%%s %%s %s"%"hi"%"ho"%"hum"%"harvey"
'harvey hum ho hi'
Should people be tempted to do this sort of thing on a regular basis, I
suggest you avoid it unless you're competing in an obfuscated Python
contest. I've used the technique (though with just with two levels of
interpolation!) a few times and always found it a bit challenging to go back
and read later. I think it's better to split into multiple statements using
a temporary variable so it's obvious what gets substituted when (also, a
little whitespace never hurts):
>>> fmt = "%%s %s" % "hi"
>>> fmt
'%s hi'
>>> fmt % "ho"
'ho hi'