[Python-Dev] Re: PEP-317

Steven Taschuk Steven Taschuk <staschuk@telusplanet.net>
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:21:21 -0600

Quoth I:
  [... PEP 317 rejected ...]
> I'll certainly add a section on the reasons, with discussion of
> the new-style exceptions question, and a summary of other feedback.

These additions have been made:
    <http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0317.html#rejection> (et seq.)
If anyone feels that the additions omit or inadequately treat
important points raised in the discussion, please let me know.
(By email, please; no reason to trouble py-dev with such.)

next-time-Gadget-<shakes fist>-ly yours, Steven Taschuk